This week for my first model interview as the new editor, I got to chat with a real sweetheart named Mistress Mariah, a woman who calls herself “weird, but friendly” on her Twitter profile. A college graduate turned sexy cam mistress, Ms. Mariah specializes in fetish-oriented content and femdom themed anything within rules. She found her niche when her boy toy introduced her to femdom porn and fell in love with it.
Staying true to her bio on Twitter she said, “I was always the weird girl who farted in front of people or flashed my butt. I truly enjoy it!”
Read on to learn more about this quirky cam artist as she shares her experience and insight into the industry.
How did you get your start in the business?
I posted photos on sites such as modelmayhem and and was contacted by photographers for free shoots that eventually turned into paid shoots and video.
What do you love/hate most about the industry?
I love how I can set my schedule and the freedom to express my sexuality. The hate would be the time wasters and the occasional troll, but I don’t remember them for very long.
What has the hardest lesson been for you to learn whether in life or the business?
Do your own research on a person or company. Ask others what they recommend before taking any type of plunge, then take advice with a grain of salt.
When you don’t feel like working, how do you get yourself motivated?
I lay in bed with my phone and jump on Sextpanther, and/or Niteflirt and see who bites. Then I sometimes get on a live webcam. And of course, good music and coffee always helps!
How has your career been accepted by your family and friends?
Most want to know how to get into the industry and are impressed it’s all within the compounds of being at home. The difficulties I have are in meeting new people who ask a lot of questions with no intention of getting into the business. I love helping new people out, but it’s difficult if they have no real ambition to put in the time and work.
Tell us about the most amazing experience you ever had with a client.
I can think of two! One was an ex-marine, who would randomly send me money just because. The second was a professional who loved short skirts and was heavy into femdom. All he wanted to see was me wearing a short skirt and I got to pick the amount he paid. I was always nice to him because he was a great customer and we even chatted about personal issues.
Tell us a success of yours that you’re proud of, brag a little.
I quit multiple toxic careers and went on to pay off two houses with the aid of camming. Now I’m my own boss and make more income with less effort than a traditional job. It was slow at first but once I learned my quirky personality, and not necessarily my physical features were a win, I felt more comfortable and had more fun which generated more clients like me. I was shy about my odd fetishes and big butt, and now I embrace them both. If they don’t like it–their problem.
What would you tell a newcomer coming into the industry?
Don’t take anything too personal. You may not make a lot when you begin, don’t give up. Try different sites and see what makes you the most. Engage with the clients as much as possible.
Find Mistress Mariah on Twitter at @mistressmariah1.
Alyssa Collins hails from Minnesota, where snowy days were the perfect excuse to stay warm inside and write. Over the years, she turned that joy into a career and has authored numerous articles for various publications (under pen names). Email Alyssa via [email protected].