BEVERLY HILLS—Jared Rutter, prolific writer and editor for various adult publications since the 1980s, died peacefully sometime over the past weekend at his longtime home of over 30 years in Beverly Hills, California, where he has lived for decades thanks, as he liked to note, to rent control.
Born July 28, 1938, Rutter was active in the business as of last Thursday, and discovered around 9:30 p.m. Monday night in bed at his apartment after a wellness check was initiated by industry associates. He was 86.
A UCLA graduate, Rutter worked on various men’s magazines and even a popular history magazine before taking the helm of Film World Reports, a bi-weekly adult industry newsletter that was the beginning of his involvement with the adult video industry. He ran Film World Reports for seven years before moving on to new magazines for Knight Publishing, spending 10 years editing a variety of projects including Adam Presents Amateur Porn under the nom de plume Harvey Grind.
Other publications he oversaw during his tenure at Knight Publishing included Adam Magazine, Adam Black Video and The Directory of Adult Films. In 2003, he was brought on as a senior editor at AVN, a position he held for roughly four years.
Perhaps Rutter’s greatest legacy, however, was as the chairman of the X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO), which he co-founded in 1984 with AVN Hall of Famers William Margold and Jim Holliday. He passed the position on to “Dirty” Bob Krotts in 2004 in order to devote his full attention to his duties at AVN.
Paul Fishbein, founder and former publisher of AVN, had high praise for Rutter. “I’m really sad to hear about Jared Rutter’s passing. I knew him as a great writer in the adult industry long before he joined AVN. When he came to us, he was a great addition.
“Jared was quiet and unassuming, yet really talented and a super nice man. He was a prolific writer, sharp critic and excellent interviewer and he was a central figure during AVN’s biggest growth years.”
Peter Warren, AVN’s managing editor, added to Fishbein’s thoughts: “Though I never got to really know Jared on a personal level that deeply, because he was very private and reserved, I’ve always felt a certain connection with him because we were both hired by AVN at the same time in 2003. I still have the article at the top of my memory board that ran in the magazine announcing the two of us had joined the staff.
“As quiet as he was though, Jared was very passionate about this business, and that passion reared its head many times over the years during AVN Awards nominations meetings, including those for the upcoming 2025 AVN Awards.
“It’s bittersweet that one of the last things Jared did was take part in our meeting on this year’s Hall of Fame inductees just a few days ago. But I’m so glad he was able to be with us for it one last time, and something tells me he wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
AVN editor-in-chief Dan Miller commented: “Jared brought a distinguished writing voice to AVN, whether he was critiquing a major movie release or recounting the history of iconic studios such as Evil Angel Video and Vivid Entertainment Group. We turned to him to write some of the biggest cover stories of the decade for AVN. Jared also took great pride in covering the AVN Awards Show—he filed several lively wrap-up stories in which he captured the sights and sounds of the ceremony. He was an immense talent and we will miss him dearly.”
This writer, who has known Rutter for many years, was devastated upon hearing of his passing. Some personal reflections: “Jared was truly a really, really nice person. Mild mannered, soft spoken, and always polite. And he loved the adult industry. When he approached me 20 years ago in 2004 to take over the XRCO, which he had been with as chairman since Year One (1984), I was honored. He told me at that time he wanted to devote 100 percent of his attention to writing for AVN. Jared also wrote for Adam Film World; he first called me back in 1993 regarding some project with the magazine—and we remained in contact ever since.”
Rutter was surprised, and very humble, when inducted into the XRCO Hall of Fame in 2004 upon his retirement as XRCO chairman.
One of the biggest names in adult during the last millennium, Christy Canyon, offered her thoughts on Rutter’s passing: “He was a great guy and there was not a mean bone in his body. Jared was one of the first guys I met when I got into the business. He was a fabulous writer and never had a mean word to say about anyone. Like me, he was old school—we both still use AOL for email. He will really be missed.”
The story about Rutter’s first association with XRCO is legendary. The late Bill Margold was notorious for bragging about taking credit for naming stars—and letting others do all the work. In 1984, when he and the late Jim Holliday were looking for someone to do the work of running the newly-formed XRCO, Margold pointed out Rutter and, noting his enthusiasm for the adult business, said, “Let’s let this boob do it.” Fortunately, Rutter accepted and subsequently over the next 20 years built the organization to an impressive level beyond anything Margold or Holliday could have envisioned.
Jeff “Will Ryder” Mullen was almost without words hearing of Rutter’s passing, but offered the following comments: “Jared Rutter quietly rode in wearing a white hat, as he was definitely one of the good guys. Kind, unassuming, soft-spoken, and very knowledgeable on the history of the adult cinema business, he was one of the first people I met when I worked in marketing for New Sensations 23 years ago. He would come into our office every couple of weeks and pull out his loop, sit in a darkened room and select chromes for publication in the various Adam Film World magazines. He will be missed.”
AVN Hall of Famer Luc Wylder also knew Rutter a very long time, and reminisces as to how “…it was only weeks ago that Janie Hamilton, Veronica Vera, Alexandra Silk and I decided to get Jared out of his home for lunch at his favorite Mexican restaurant. Today my breath was taken away by the news of yet another dear friend who was taken from our tribe. For those who don’t know him, look him up. Jared was an icon in the adult industry. From his early days with Adam Film World to his work with AVN and the XRCO, Jared remained ‘in the industry’ doing what he loved to the very end. So many fond memories of our 35-year friendship. Farewell my gentle friend.”
Alexandra Silk added, “It was a special moment when I walked him to the car after the lunch. I had a feeling it would be the last time I would see him, so I gave him an extra big hug and told him I loved him very much. We sang a song that went, ‘I’m so glad we had this time together.’ He reminisced about sharing a New Year’s Eve together in New York with Luc and I and Candida Royalle. His mind was sharp as a tack! Going to miss my dear friend very much. Going to go cry now.”
Also at that last lunch was Veronica Vera Cottingham, D.H.S. and author, who shared the following about Rutter: “Jared Rutter was a shy man who gave me a great gift. He helped me to fulfill my dream to be a writer. I met Jared at a wild orgy in New York City in the early ’80s. I was new to the porn world and wildly enthusiastic about my experiences. Jared interviewed me and I liked the result, so I suggested I be Adam magazine’s East Coast correspondent. Jared agreed, and even better, he gave me free rein to pick my topics. I never felt I had to dumb down the stories. Those monthly columns lasted a dozen years thanks to Jared, and they are now in the library at Harvard and are the foundation of my memoir.
“Jared loved and appreciated history. He knew lots about the X biz, and when folks asked me for an L.A. contact, I sent them to Jared. This past October, I made a trip to L.A., and a visit to see Jared was an important part of the trip. I hadn’t seen Jared in a bunch of years. He used to come to NYC twice a year. When I saw him, I saw how his body had aged, but his mind was still so sharp. We had a reunion lunch together with Luc Wylder and Alexandra Silk, Jane Hamilton and my NY friend Camilla Saly. After lunch, Jane and I dropped Jared off at his place. As he headed toward the walkway toward his building, he stopped, turned and gave me and Jane one last wave. I think we three knew it was the last time we would see each other.”
Alexander “Monstar” Raymond, XRCO Awards Show Coordinator and founder of Star Factory PR, remarked, “The passing of Jared is truly devastating. He was not only a key figure in the industry, but also a true gentleman in every sense of the word. I was fortunate to have met him early in my career, and for over 20 years, I had the privilege of connecting with him and witnessing his unwavering passion for his work. Jared had an incredible run in life. His contributions to AVN and XRCO left a positive and enduring impact on the industry. His presence and kindness will be deeply missed.”
Vixen Media Group casting director and longtime XRCO member, Mike Moz, offered similar thoughts: “I met Jared the first XRCO I attended in person when I was a guest of Bill Liebovitz from Golden Apple. We stayed in touch regularly over the next year, and when I made the move from Tampa to L.A., Jared was instrumental in helping me to establish myself in the adult business. He was a wealth of knowledge, and everyone loved Jared. He opened a lot of doors for me. When Bill Margold passed, Jared asked if I would assist with the XRCO Awards Show, and of course I said yes. Myself and Alexander ‘Monstar’ Raymond became fixtures at events with Jared. Even though he kept his appearances to a minimum the last few years, I was always happy to see him catch up. I miss him already.”