ALBANY, N.Y.—A Republican state senator in New York has introduced a copycat age verification bill targeting pornography websites and adult entertainment platforms. Republican state Sen. Jacob Ashby of East Greenbush, a small town just miles from the state capitol in Albany, introduced Senate Bill S3591.
Senate Bill S3591 is similar to other bills introduced and adopted in predominantly Republican-controlled states. Ashby’s bill provides for a $50,000 per-day civil penalty, which the office of the New York Attorney General will enforce. The law states that government identification or other “reasonable methods” are the measures for AV.
“The internet is a dangerous place for children, rife with sexual material that is harmful to minors,” reads a justification for the bill provided by the state legislature. “The ease of access to this material is downright scary. This legislation seeks to prioritize the protection of children by requiring pornography websites to verify the age of its users.”
The justification adds, “Upon verification that a user is 18 years of age or older, access to the site would be given.”
Ashby’s bill was referred to the state Senate Internet and Technology Committee.