Two years ago, ASN Extreme Lifestyle Magazine interviewed Jupiter Jetson when she was going by Nova. Back then she was working at Sheri’s Ranch and still is one of the top companions and prominently featured on their site. One big change is that she made the leap into adult, has worked with some of the top studios, and accrued a loyal following of fans. 2022 has already brought change, including a new name (formerly Nova Sky) and signing with a new adult talent agency for representation. For Jupiter, the only way is up.

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Perego “arrived on the planet” on the 24th day of October in the year 1967. A quadruple Scorpio, the stars lending their unanimous opinion to a being; determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, powerful and passionate, exciting and magnetic. Also, gifted with a then unknown artistic family legacy, he immediately showed talent in art, theater and music and seemed destined for creativity at an early age. 

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“There are a lot of people I need to thank. First and foremost, I need to thank Steven Grooby and Dan Hogue from TransErotica for allowing me to be prosperous in ways, despite my best efforts at self-sabotage, they’ve kept me paying the rent. I want to thank everyone – every producer, company, and performer that I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with throughout the years.”

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On May 18, 1926, McPherson disappeared from Ocean Park Beach, in Santa Monica, CA. Presuming she had drowned, searchers combed the beach and nearby area, but could not locate her body. Immediately, McPherson sightings occurred around the county, often in widely divergent locations many miles apart on the same day. The Angelus Temple received calls and letters claiming knowledge of McPherson, including demands for ransom. After several weeks of unpromising leads, Mildred Kennedy regarded the messages as hoaxes, believing her daughter dead.

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