I am a runner, have been running my whole life. I’m kind of a female Forrest Gump. Anyway, I have been in the lifestyle for the past 10 or so years. It started when I graduated from college and my boyfriend and I were looking for something more. Sex between us was fine but I think we were both a little bit bored.
Author: ASN HUB
Before learning about your jewelry, my wife and I used to play “Can you pick out the swingers?” You know, the game where you sit in a bar or restaurant and try to see if you can guess who else is a swinger.
You and your spouse have been in the lifestyle for quite some time when one day, your spouse wants out.
Forming a new Limited Liability Company is exciting. It can mean the start of a new idea, a new dream, or just a new way of doing business better than before. Forming a new LLC for an online entity is just a small step on what should be a long run of doing business, but some entrepreneurs make a big decision by choosing a specific state with little to no grounds for their choice. Why is so little thought put into choice of venue when the new LLC could be formed in any one of a variety of states?
The proposed rules, the EC notes, “will oblige providers to detect, report and remove CSAM on their services. Providers will need to assess and mitigate the risk of misuse of their services and the measures taken must be proportionate to that risk and subject to robust conditions and safeguards.”
California’s new Consumer’s Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which came into effect on January 1, 2020, is the most far-reaching privacy law enacted in the United States by either the federal government or a state government. It mimics, to a certain extent, the GDPR privacy laws of the European Union.
There seems to be a disagreement amongst producers, performers and even testing facilities as to when adult studios can resume production. The Free Speech Coalition continues to state that all adult productions are on a hold while many states attempt to slowly reopen their societies. Their decision has been backed by one of the Free Speech Coalition’s largest financial supporters, Mindgeek – ie., Brazzers and Pornhub.
Shameless is the way I approach sexuality, and one of the same reasons I love the lifestyle so much: because we are celebrated for expressing ourselves sexually in an open way, without the misplaced and preconceived judgment we so often encounter in other spheres within society.
Now, I’ll continue to revisit my memories and experiences of what swinging was all about 40-50 years ago, and how we got to where we are nowadays.
In the past articles, I’ve introduced you to Ted, Match Magazine, and the swinging scene in Canada, as well as my genesis regarding my work as a researcher of the swinging lifestyle.
There are tons of things we can recall doing for the very first time. Everyone remembers their first car, their first date, their days at college, or even their first-time taking swim lessons. Everyone remembers going somewhere special for their first time-whether it was to Disney World, Hawaii, the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean coast. It’s all good. The first time doing anything is always a valuable experience.